«Polident  №1» –for softening and removing dental calculi without damaging enamel. It is also used for treatment of tooth discolouring and is recommended for smokers and those suffering from lithiasis.  
«Polident  №2» –for removing soft dental deposit and treating enamel before teeth restoration, fissures hermitizing, teeth whitening as well as for caries prophylaxis. 
«Polident №3» –for enamel whitening, remineralizing and fluorodizing. 
«Polident» doughs feature polishing effect, they fluorinate (fluorine doughs) and protect tooth enamel odouring oral cavity. «Polident» doughs contain fine-dyspersated abrasive, calcium salts, antiseptic, fluorine and flavouring substances, dough-adjuster and filler. 
The dough «Polident №1» features chemical and mechanical effect on tooth hard deposit. It contains acidic agent softening hard calculi, abrasive agent removing deposit from teeth and antiseptic agent preventing secondary deposit. 
The fluorine-free dough «Polident №2» contains abrasive agent cleaning enamel and fissures without damaging them. «Polident № 2» dough contains dough-adjuster providing dough plasticity and easy application. The material can be easily removed from teeth surface with water. 
The dough «Polident №3» contains carbamide peroxide whitening tooth tissues, abrasive agent removing soft deposit, fluorides and phosphorus derivatives remineralizing and protecting tooth enamel. 
Сode  00000093 / 00000094 / 00000096 Set-Dough  № 1, 2, 3  - 40 g x 3pc
Produced as set (in jars) and separately (in syringes). 

Production novelties